Leash-Free Mississauga Grass Cutting Schedule
Please note, in the case of inclement weather the grass cutting will be postponed until the next business day.
Location | Day of Week | Scheduled Dates | Closure Time |
Quenippenon | Tuesday | May 9th, 23rd June 6th, 20th July 4th, 18th August 1st, 15th, 29th September 12th, 26th October 10th | 10 am to Noon |
Lakeside | Friday | May 12th, 26th June 9th, 23rd July 7th, 21st August 4th, 18th September 1st, 15th , 29th October 13th | 7 am to 10 am |
Garnetwood | Friday | May 12th, 26th June 9th, 23rd July 7th, 21st August 4th, 18th September 1rd, 15th , 29th October 13th | 7:30 am to 9:30 am |
Jack Darling | Wednesday | May 10th, 24th June 7th, 21st July 5th, 19th August 2nd, 16th 30th September 13th, 27th October 11th | 7 am to 1 pm |
Totoredaca | Thursday | May 11th, 25th June 8th, 22nd July 6th, 20th August 3rd, 17th, 31st September14th, 28th October 12th | 7 am to Noon |
Parkway Belt | Wednesday | May 10th, 24th June 7th, 21st July 5th, 19th August 2rd, 16th, 30th September 13th, 27th October 11th | 7am to 9am |
Union Park | Thursday | May 11th, 25th June 8th, 22rd July 6th, 20th August 3rd, 17th, 31st September 15th, 29th October 12th | 7 am to Noon |
Paul Coffey | Friday | May 12th, 26th June 9th, 23rd July 7th, 21st August 4th, 18th September 1st, 15th , 29th October 13th | 7am to 9am |