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Leash Free Mississauga
Mission & Purpose
Leash-Free Mississauga is a non-profit organization that works close with the community to provide safe friendly leash-free areas where owners and their dogs can exercise and socialize by:
- Advocating for and on behalf of Leash-Free zones.
- Offering fundraising coordination and support of Leash-Free activities.
- Listening to dog owners, neighborhood associations and the City of
Mississauga to be a liason. - Identifying new leash-free areas and assisting the City to get started.
- Recruiting and maintaining volunteers and members for Leash-Free
Mississauga. - Answering questions and sharing information through Leash-Free
Mississauga forum.

Leash-Free Mississauga Services
Leash-Free Mississauga’s volunteers work closely with the City of Mississauga’s Parks and Forestry Division to create a secure and friendly
environment for our canine companions. In Mississauga Leash-Free Zones, LFM is responsible for:

Park Operations
- Electricity for lights in park interiors
- Zone clean-up, clearing pathways, mulching/wood
chips, etc. - Advising the City about hazards Liaising with
City Parks staff re member concerns
Capital Improvements
- Lighting
- Fencing
- Water access (where feasible)
- Seating and signage
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